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Land Surveyor - Lexington, SC

If you need a land surveyor in Lexington, SC, or have questions about a recent land survey, we can help. With twenty (25) years of experience as a professional land surveyor in Lexington, SC, we’re capable of meeting your needs. We've performed land surveys for a wide variety of clients in Lexington, SC including: Land Owners, Developers, Contractors, Banks, Lawyers, and Real Estate Agents.

What is a Land Survey?

The American Congress on Surveying and Mapping defines land surveying as “The detailed study or inspection, as by gathering information through observations, measurements in the field, questionnaires, or research of legal instruments in support of planning, designing and establishing property boundaries.” Land surveying has been an element in the construction of the human environment since before the Egyptians built the first pyramid 5,000 years ago!

Avoid Common Pitfalls in Lexington, SC by Hiring a Land Surveyor

Are you looking to purchase real estate in Lexington, SC? If so, a land survey will protect your best interests. A competent Lexington, SC land surveyor will determine exactly which portion of property you are purchasing as well as anything attached to that property. As a purchaser, you should always hire a land surveyor before the transaction closes.

Many real estate transactions have problems. These problems can be minor, such as a fence located over the property line. Sometimes the problem is more serious, such as a driveway, deck, or pool that encroaches a property line. Depending on the problem, the property value can be negatively impacted by thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. By obtaining a land survey from a reliable land surveyor prior to closing, you have a powerful negotiating tool to use if a property issue is discovered.

The Role of a Land Surveyor

Surveys are performed for several reasons. A competent Lexington, SC land surveyor can map a parcel topographically, plot a subdivision, or delineate a wetlands area for protection. There are several types of land surveys performed for specific purposes. They Include:

  • Boundary: Land surveyor determines property lines described in a deed. A boundary survey can also indicate any existing easements or encroachments and may show the limitations of use imposed by state or local laws.
  • Topographic: Land surveyor determines elevation, contours and existing features above and below the surface of a piece of land such as trees, buildings, utility lines, retaining walls, etc. Survey may also show perimeter boundary lines and easements. 
  • Mortgage Inspection: Land surveyor locates improvements on a property. Primary purpose is to determine that improvements are not in violation of easements, setback requirements or property lines. 
  • Land Title: Used by a title insurance company to insure title to a piece of property. Typically required for real estate transactions, a title survey includes boundary improvements and easements.
  • Construction: Land surveyor stakes out markers and reference points to guide the building of new structures such as roads or buildings. 
  • Wetlands Delineation: Land surveyor determines boundaries and size of a wetlands area to prevent encroachment during construction. Usually performed in conjunction with an environmental specialist.

Choosing a Competent Land Surveyor in Lexington, SC

In addition to our twenty (25) years of experience conducting land surveys throughout Lexington, SC, we also utilize state of the art technology. Today, survey measurements are mostly done electronically using modern technology such as GPS and laser range finders. A modern instrument called a total station is the most commonly used tool. Modern total stations are often fully robotic, can email point data to the home office computer and can connect to satellite positioning systems such as GPS. This technology has increased the speed and precision of modern surveying and is accurate to 20 – 40 millimeters.

If you’re looking for a Lexington, SC land surveyor contact us to schedule a land survey for your property.

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